Kafka binary protocol mess

Immutable data set is nature of Kafka. That is major architectural concept affected all design decisions. And one of the complex problems is to keep message compatibility with old legacy messages after migration to the newest message format. There are multiple serialization and deserialization libraries attempting to solve this complex problem (and none of them is really solving it):

  • You can start your journey to Kafka Serialization zoo with Apache Avro. This is library written in Java. The main conceptual idea of it is to separate read scheme and write scheme. Every time when you save the message with given Avro write schema you need to have this schema in the special registry. When you change your format you can use new write schema. And when your applications read a message from Kafka topic, it loads write schema of that concrete message and the latest read schema. The main challenge here is to keep compatibility between all versions of write schemas and the read schema. I have experience, where all that zoo of schemas became quite hard to maintain due to a huge amount of data migrations. Avro does not support versioning from the box. Surprisingly, it somehow became the de-facto standard of Kafka message serialization system.

  • Other libraries which you will probably try to play with are Google Protocol Buffers and Apache Thrift. That libraries do not have an immutable schema (like Avro write schemas). The main idea of that libraries is to append schema every time when you need to change the format. You still need to be able to process the old messages, because you don’t remove old data type descriptors. The only requirement can be to have all data fields optional. As soon as they are optional you can easily stop writing to old data fields and read and migrate in the new data structure. The main disadvantage of that approach is that you actually spoil your message format with old invalid data fields at the same time with valid data fields. And after checking message format it’s hard to see what is actually up to dated message format.

  • It’s also common to use different JSON libraries. The disadvantage of that approach can be similar to that disadvantages described in the previous section. This approach can depend on the implementation details of your underlying library and it’s ability to handle absence or nullable fields.

This domain is quite complex. The common practice is to have a tolerant consumer who is able to read all message in all possible versions. Apart from the serialization issues, you might face to the issues of different message schemas on the consumer and producer side (you will probably define deployment order to fix that) and other issues.

The Scala way

As always, Scala (more precisely, Typelevel stack) can help us to simplify this huge mess in traditionally concise, generic and clean way. Typelevel stack contains pretty old but still nice library scodec. Scodec is a combinator library for working with binary data. It focuses on contract-first and pure functional encoding and decoding of binary data and provides integration into shapeless. It does not support versioning from the box and it’s really pretty simple. But it’s simplicity is the main advantage. Together with composability.

Let’s start with the example of usage. Let’s define simple data structure User (of version v1):

 * User data structure v1.
final case class User(
  email: String,
  name: Option[String],
  activated: Boolean

Let’s create a simple codec for this data type using scodec.

import scodec.codecs._
import scodec.Codec
import shapeless.{ ::, HNil }

val userCodecV1: Codec[User] = (utf8_32 :: optional(bool, utf8_32) :: bool).xmap(
  { case email :: name :: activated :: HNil => User(email, name, activated) },
  u => u.email :: u.name :: u.activated :: HNil

We started thinking about the future evolution of data structure in advance. We did not want to involve any complex evolution scenarios or any schema generations. We just want to keep our codec as much as possible in code. And we can start using a versioned codec wrapper which allows us to do a simple versioning of all our possible formats. The example of code can be found here.

After some time we might come to the idea that we need to add an additional field to this data type. Let’s say, we want to store the total number of posts. Our data type might become:

 * User data structure v2.
final case class User(
  email: String,
  name: Option[String],
  activated: Boolean,
  numberOfPosts: Long

import scodec.codecs._
import scodec.Codec
import shapeless.{ ::, HNil }

// Here we make sure that old data produce correct new data type. Let's assume our statrtup number of posts is 0L.
val userCodecV1: Codec[User] = (utf8_32 :: optional(bool, utf8_32) :: bool).xmap(
  { case email :: name :: activated :: HNil => User(email, name, activated, 0L) },  // This is our migration schema because it produces new correct data type User.
  u => u.email :: u.name :: u.activated :: HNil

// But the new message codec already knows how to encode the new data type
val userCodecV2: Codec[User] = (utf8_32 :: optional(bool, utf8_32) :: bool :: int64).xmap(
  { case email :: name :: activated :: numberOfPosts :: HNil => User(email, name, activated, numberOfPosts) },
  u => u.email :: u.name :: u.activated :: u.numberOfPosts :: HNil

It’s easy to see that here in one-liner we provide the new version of the codec with the newest field included and in another one-liner we provide the migration schema for building new data type from the old stored binary. It is pretty easy, isn’t it? And let’s bundle both of that versions together:

import com.dbrsn.versioned.VersionedCodec

val versionedCodec: Codec[User] = new VersionedCodec[User](
  entityIdentity = "User",  // Used as prefix in the binary file. Easy way to make sure that file format belongs to the given entity.
  currentVersion = 2,
  codecByVersion = {
    case 1 => userCodecV1
    case 2 => userCodecV2

And this is how we can use it:

import scodec.Err
import scodec.bits.BitVector

val inUser: User = User("email@email.com", Some("Denis"), true, 123L)

val binUser: Either[Err, BitVector] = versionedCodec.encode(inUser).toEither
val outUser: Either[Err, User] = versionedCodec.decodeValue(binUser.right.get).toEither

This format is binary only. So, it does not have human readable representation. This can be counted as disadvantage of this approach.

This is how our user from the example looks like in HEX representation:


And this is how it looks like in binary view:

00000000: 0000 0004 5573 6572 0002 0000 000f 656d  ....User......em
00000010: 6169 6c40 656d 6169 6c2e 636f 6d80 0000  ail@email.com...
00000020: 02a2 32b7 34b9 c000 0000 0000 001e c0    ..2.4..........