Scala is a very reach platform. It gives you many ways to solve the same problem. Even such fundamental and basic problem as error handling. In this post I am going to describe an approach, that is becoming more common to use. It allows you to know your concrete errors,...
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Universal health-check without dependencies
In the modern age of micro-services, it’s vitally important to have good health-checks. It’s never considered as a hard task. There are few approaches around. Somebody just does a simple ping-pong (just return the static pre-defined response on a given endpoint), somebody enables heavy and powerful frameworks with embedded health-check...
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Polymorphic Front-End on scalajs-react with shapeless
Mobile development was historically quite a split area. We do have 2 separate markets of Android and iOS development (or 3? Is Windows Mobile still alive?). There were a lot of mobile frameworks, which were trying to follow the concept “write once — use everywhere” and minifying logical splitting of...
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How to build Scala tiny backend on Amazon AWS Lambda
We are going to create a simple application, which posts and gets provided to lambda set of numbers.
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Static Microservice Discovery
As we saw in our previous post, Akka Cluster gives you some predefined topologies from the box. And it’s very easy to perform it’s discovery. For example, for Direct Topology all you need to discover service is to have actor path, including the address of the node. And to discovery...
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